Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Filipino Call Center Boosts the Morale of All Its Agents

What is the best way to engage your employees? The key global factors that help engage employees are:

  • Opportunity and Well Being: Well Being and Opportunity: It’s all about an employer taking care of his employees and appreciating their efforts.
  • Trust: You must trust your colleagues, managers and the company that you’re representing.
  • Pride: Taking pride in representing services and products that you’re offering.

A Filipino call center motives its agents by appreciating their skills and by recognizing their efforts. These steps not only enhance the pride of their agents and boost their morale, but it also encourages them to interact with their customers in a positive way.

Agent Motivation and Recognition Tools

It shouldn’t be much difficult thing to introduce an agent recognition system. These days you’re likely to come across various web journals that depict moral-boosting ideas for a Philippine call center. In order to keep the agents engaged and boost their morale, all call center employers may get a few motivational tools. Four of such tools have been described below:

1. Recognition. The hard work and accomplishments concerning an individual employee have to be acknowledged publicly through an announcement or award. It is a good ploy to display the area of accomplishment along with the photo of a particular agent in close view of his group members. Employers should never be afraid of appreciating these accomplishments in lieu of scaring or hurting other members of the group.

2. Your Mission Has To Be Identified. Once you explain the mission of the organization to its employees, it becomes a lot easier for them to identify their place and define their own role in the future. It generates a sense of unification for a common purpose. Employees get truly motivated to learn more about the goal towards which they’re delivering their services and the reason for which their organization actually stands.

3. Celebration. Every team member should be aware of the accomplishments of a team or that of an individual. You don’t need to go over-the-top or be fanciful about such celebrations. Keeping your team members surprised with sudden lunches and dinners or buying movie tickets for them would be reason enough to keep the motivated to achieve their immediate goal.

4. Challenge and Achievement are to be balanced. This is the point where employee satisfaction and engagement meets each other. When your employees feel they’ve reached the top of a mountain they’re truly motivated. At the same time, it is also important for them to feel as if they still have a few more steps to climb. The satisfaction of your employees has to reach a certain point wherein they naturally get encouraged to achieve more.
Agent Recognition Basics

A call center doesn’t need to offer a formal or planned recognition. Praising agents have to be timely, specific and frequent. It is the responsibility of a supervisor or a manager to praise the agents on a weekly basis. Instead of fixing an appointment, go ahead and encourage your agents for a specific cause. The manager or team leader of a Philippine call center has to show enthusiasm while appreciating an agent for his successful efforts.

Regular recognition will keep the call center employees engaged and will certainly be more beneficial for the organization in the days ahead.

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