Monday, January 9, 2012

A Few Measures That A Filipino Call Center Should Undertake to Achieve Success

In order to manage and lead a Filipino call center it is truly important to establish the correct measures and right objectives. These measures could be classified into different categories and should be maintained in every consumer call center. As these measures are inter-dependent, you’ll find it easier to categorize them for strategic, tactical and elemental purposes. These measures have been discussed below:

Accurate Prediction If you’re not in a position to assume the workload that you’ll need to handle, it will be really tough for you to score high on satisfying your customers, and offer a consistent and efficient service. Apart from the challenges associated with dealing customers via email, chat and telephone, you’ll also face fresh challenges concerning social interactions.

Adherence and Schedule Fitness In case you’re able to handle the workload in a call center, it will be easier for you to develop perfect schedules that employ qualified people in the right areas. You can manage it the best way as you go bottom up. It enables you to achieve all that you always wanted and offers a much wider scope of operation.

Response Time and Service Level You can’t really achieve success in case your conversations with customers don’t lead you in the right directions as time demands. Once your objectives concerning your response time and service level are established, your customers will be rest assured that the organization can be accessed from all quarters and that it really backs the commitments made by its representatives.

First-Call Resolution and Quality The top-level objectives of an organization and its activities associated with each call are linked by its service quality. In order to maintain quality all over, the Philippine call center needs to lay stress on first-call resolution. Different forms of customer interaction should be measured in terms of its quality parameters.

Satisfaction of Employees In case your employees are satisfied it has a positive effect on your customers. It is certainly quite essential for all organizations. On the other hand, agent satisfaction gets enhanced when measured upon key factors like quality, productivity and retention.

Loyalty and Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is the key to success in all work environments. It is highly dependent on the relation between the primary objectives of an organization. Customer satisfaction is greatly influenced by the different call center processes, services and policies. A business’s customer loyalty is measured upon the breadth and duration of its relationship with various customer segments.

Call center set-up

In the very beginning call centers used to be large establishments that managed a huge volume of traffic and communications. Industry leaders with strong financial arms could only have hired technologies like Automated Call Distribution channels to handle calls in large volumes. Of late, call centers in Philippines have opted for an advanced customer management and call handling system with the introduction of open phone systems, client/server software systems, online transaction processing and switches based on LAN. A Philippine call center can now accommodate a large set-up worth 500 to 2,000 seats, or it might even accommodate a mini-center worth 5 to 10 seats.

The growth of the call center industry in Philippines owes a lot to organizations that have introduced modern ways of communication and worked on their specific areas of opportunity. Studying more about these categories is essential before stepping in the call center industry for the very first time. A detailed measurement of various factors concerning these categories would certainly add to success of the industry!

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